Dominic Lamanna
Qualified Valuer
Bachelor of Property
Certified Practising Valuer A.A.V.I. No. 663
API Member 71084
Dominic Lamanna commenced at Hay Property Group in 2000 with a wide range of experience in various fields including Compulsory Acquisitions, Rental Assessments and Determinations, Pre-Purchase and Pre-Sale Advice, Stamp Duty Valuations, acting as a Buyers Advocate and Vendors Advocate and with a strong focus on commercial, medical, retail and industrial properties. In addition Dominic has carried out Mortgage Valuations for various lending institutions, many of a complex and substantial nature. He has also undertaken specialised work in the area of quarries and large scale land developments as well as business valuations. Dominic develops a strong rapport with his clients, is always highly motivated and attentive to ensure the best possible outcome at all times.
With regard to the Compulsory Acquisition and Loss on Sale areas, Dominic’s experience includes acting for land owners against Authorities such as Regional Rail Link, VicRoads, Linking Melbourne Authority, water bodies including Melbourne Water, Coliban Water, Yarra Valley Water and Gippsland Water. He has represented over 300 clients in the specialised area of Land Acquisitions, Easement Acquisitions and Loss on Sale Claims. Recently Dominic has represented clients on the East West tunnel project, properties including dwellings, apartments, flats, development sites and commercial properties. He has always sought to obtain a fair and equitable outcome for all his clients. Dominic has been engaged to act for many land owners affected by the Metro Rail Project.
Dominic has also acted for many land owners affected by road widening’s across the State, from Traralgon to Carrum, Philip Island to Geelong and is presently assisting land owners in Plenty affected by the Yan Yean Road widening. Some of the large Englobo development estates valued by Dominic include sites at Scoresby, Mill Park, Bairnsdale, Traralgon, Sale, Bundoora, Carrum Downs, Shepparton, Bendigo and Lilydale, some with a Gross Realisation Value of in excess of $100,000,000.
Dominic has valued a number of residential apartment developments in Southbank, Doncaster, Box Hill, Preston, Northcote and North Melbourne to name a few.
Dominic has developed a strong rapport with specialised medical lenders valuing medical premises of all types such as General Practitioners, Dentists, Day Surgery Clinics, Pharmacies, Radiology Clinics and Veterinary Clinics all over the state of Victoria, many with a value well in excess of $2,000,000.
Finally Dominic has undertaken specialty valuation work for court purposes including matrimonial valuations and disputed matters.